Laser Skin Rejuvenation
Revlite laser is designed for the treatment of pigmentation, wrinkles, fine lines, aging skin, enlarged pores, acne, sun damage and Hori’s naevus (an acquired deep brownish pigmentation in the skin). It can also be used to remove certain birthmarks like Naevus of Ota and tattoo pigments.
The well loved Revlite Laser Toning treatment is effective in rejuvenating and refreshing the skin in the treatment area, firming skin and tightening pores while offering a smoother texture and an overall even skin tone.
What causes these unwanted spots?
Melanin is what gives our skin its color. The amount of melanin in your skin determines if you have a light or dark complexion. Pigmented lesions are dark in color because the melanin is concentrated in one area of the skin, usually as a result of overexposure to the sun’s damaging ultraviolet rays.
How does a laser remove unwanted pigment in the skin?
Q-Switched Nd:YAG lasers produce a special wavelength of light that is absorbed by pigmented lesions. The light vibrates and shatters the pigment, breaking the melanin into micro-particles and lightening the lesion. You’ll notice the spot turning gray or white for a few minutes, a natural response of the skin as it absorbs the energy. The spot will then turn darker and slough off completely within one to two weeks.
In general, the non invasive Revlite treatment can:
Restore your skin from sun damage — Over exposure from the sun can lead to increased pore size, skin pigmentation, discolouration and red areas on the skin. The Revlite helps to decrease pore size, smoothen skin texture and lighten skin tone. The overall result is a refreshed appearance and younger looking skin.
Stimulate collagen remodelling for the reduction of wrinkles — Collagen is important in determining the volume of our skin. However, with aging, collagen is diminished resulting in wrinkles and fine lines to appear on the face. Therefore, when new collagen is generated, both fine lines and wrinkles are reduced as the new volume fills up underneath the skin. The Revlite treatment is gentle enough to be used for the face, hands, neck and chest areas.
Remove Dark lesions and sun spots— Revlite Laser skin rejuvenation can break down brown age spots, liver spots, freckles and other brown birthmarks using PhotoAcoustic Technology. Most common lesions may be removed within one to two treatments..
What can I expect during the treatment?
The RevLite emits light in rapid, short pulses at high peak energy for maximum efficacy and comfort. The impact feels like no more than the snap of a thin rubber band. As the light shatters the pigment and diffuses the lesion, the spot will turn gray or white for a few minutes as the skin absorbs the energy. Any post-treatment discomfort will feel similar to a mild sunburn, and any redness will dissipate within a day or two as the skin returns to its natural color.
What are the main benefits of laser skin rejuvenation with Revlite?
- Smaller pore size and less oily skin
- improvement in skin’s firmness and elasticity
- more even skin tone, eliminating brown spots, age/sun spots and blotchy areas
- smoother texture
- reduces sun spots, brown spots and uneven skin tone
- removal of fine dark hair above lips, around sides of face
- a more refreshed appearance
- a complementary treatment with other cosmetic procedures
- Safe for most skin types, including tanned skin
Instructions for skin care after Revlite laser treatment
Usually, an antibacterial ointment and a dressing will be applied to the area immediately after treatment. The area should be kept clean with continued application of any ointment given to you by your physician. Avoid direct exposure to the sun and use a sunblock regularly. Do not rub, scratch or pick at the treated area. Do not apply make-up until the crust disappears and avoid swimming or contact sports while the crusts are present.
How many treatment sessions will it take to remove the pigmented lesion?
Most pigmented lesions are removed within one to two treatments. Some deeper lesions will require more treatments
Can the excess pigmentation come back?
Common pigmented lesions do not return. Some birthmarks may return after a period of several months to a year. However, the procedure can be repeated.
How can I better maintain the results?
After the initial treatment series, most patients return for RevLite treatments monthly or four times a year to maintain the great results. This anti-aging maintenance program is a smart investment in the long-term appearance of your skin – and a clinically proven way to improve signs of photo damage and replenish ongoing collagen loss. Patients say their skin feels incredibly soft and many find they wear less make-up as their complexion becomes more radiant.