Help me make it happen for ‘Odyssey’

On 25 Sept 2013, I was one of the many named recipients of this email from my youngest daughter Clarissa.


I’m writing to let you know about ‘Odyssey’.

Take a moment to check it out on Indiegogo and also share it with your friends. All the tools are there. Get perks, make a contribution, or simply follow updates. If enough of us get behind it, we can make ‘Odyssey’ happen!


I was surprised, yet pleased to know that my little one has grown up to have a big heart for the less fortunate.

So I did my part as a mum……


To all my dear Friends,

Hope that this email finds you well.

Our youngest daughter, Clarissa, has been doing art as a subject in her school, ACS International.

The school is holding an art exhibition this week.

We hope that you are able to give some time this Friday to come support at the opening of this art exhibition titled ‘Odyssey’.

Mothers, as we are always doing something to assist them,… I am also writing to help her inform friends that besides the Art exhibition, she is also prepared to part with her works of Art for Charity.

She is selling these precious handiwork in support of a Girls’ home in Kenya, “Our Lady of Grace”. (OLOG)

Just a brief about this home:

It was started by Mrs Rita Balachandran, wife of the famed late Orthopaedic Surgeon and Professor N Balachandra. 

With the legacy Prof N Bala had left her, she has devoted much of her time to build a home to house young girls that have been orphaned, lost and sexually abused in Meru, Kenya.

Some of these girls are as young as age 5. 

Rita now has more than a hundred girls in this Catholic home.


Sandra, our 3rd daughter was there to help in the OLOG in 2009. She was very touched by the effort and money Rita has put in to help all these innocent girls.

Clarissa, in her final year of her IB, would now like to do her part by contributing to this home, OLOG, a Catholic home for young girls.

She has created “INDIEGOGO” a weblink for this cause.

(Please see the appeal email and link from Clarissa.)


We hope that you too can be a part of this project.

Look forward to seeing you there at the Art Exhibition “Odyssey” this Friday evening.

Best regards,



I should say that the exhibition and her fund-raising section turned out a success. Clarissa was very moved to see even my old SCGS friends come and support her cause.

By 14 October, she had raised $5,800 and presented the cheque to Rita.

This is just a start for the movement to help the little abandoned and abused girls in Kenya. Clarissa and her sisters have the intention to find ways to do more.